They say that every great story should be told so as not to be forgotten even years after, but I'll say some of the greatest stories are just too great to even start telling and be best kept treasured in our memories. Same is true for this one. So allow me:
What happens in Daraitan, stays in Daraitan.
Worry not, though. I may not give you the gist but I'm known for my generosity in giving previews. Trolling.
1. This is my third time joining Barefoot Travels. Also, my third time to be in their pioneer batch (quick trivia, we're one of those who requested for a Daraitan climb) but second time to be in an all girl group.
2. I've never camped in the mountains before, so this is my first ever. By the looks of it, definitely won't be my last. :)
3. There's something ethereal with Tinipak River. Take the photo above as reference, doesn't it look Game of Thrones-ish to you? :)
4. I'm not sure whether this one's considered as major hike or not but whoever told you that the trail is difficult, believe them 'coz they ain't kidding you. I thought to myself, sh*t got real, man. To think that we took the (relatively) easier but longer trail.

5. Always. Always. Always expect the unexpected. Weather at the summit may be quite unpredictable. It was a perfectly good weather when we reached the summit but when it was already our group's turn for photo ops, it started raining cats and dogs, thus zero visibility as seen in the pictures. Really an iyak-tawa moment but it was epic!
Kudos to the Barefoot team for another amazing climb. Can't wait for the next! :D
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